Each player or team selects a deck of cards (blue, red, or green) and is dealt 6 cards for 2-3 players or 5 cards for 4-6 players.
Players take turns placing a card face-up adjacent to existing cards, matching the colours on the edges.
The objective is to create a hexagon of your own or stop your opponent from creating theirs.
Strategically use action cards to block opponents or gain an advantage.
Download the Instructions here
General FAQ's
What is the object of the game?
The first person or team to create the winning number of Hexagons wins the game.
How many people can play Trigahex?
Trigahex can be played with 2, 3, 4 or 6 players.
Can children play Trigahex?
Yes, Trigahex is suitable for players ages 8+. I've played with 8 year olds and 90 year olds, and everyone in-between.
How do I play Trigahex?
Each player chooses a coloured playing card deck, and plays with a specified number of cards (depending on how many players).
Each player takes a turn to play a card in the game area. The colour on each edge of the card MUST match the colour on the edges of adjacent cards.
Where can I play Trigahex?
We will be attending various game meets throughout Australia, and details will be provided on social media.
Where can I buy Trigahex?
Trigahex is available to purchase via this website. Click on the 'Buy Trigahex' menu item at the top to purchase, or find a local stockists here. Trigahex is also available on Amazon Australia
Taking a turn FAQ's
Who goes first?
The youngest player goes first.
How do I take a turn?
Place a card face up in the game area. The colours on the edges of the card must match the colours on the edges of any adjacent cards.
If I play an action card, do I still place a card?
Playing an action card replaces your turn. The action card will determine if you place a card from your hand.
Hexagon FAQ's
How do I create a Hexagon?
Create a hexagon by placing the last triangle card in a set of six to form the shape of a hexagon.
Do all the cards need to have my colour playing cards?
Yes, the triangle in the centre of all six cards MUST have your chosen colour playing cards.
What is the purpose of the hexagon lock tokens?
These tokens are placed in the middle of a completed hexagon. The six cards within the hexagon cannot be used for another hexagon, replaced, trashed or stacked on top of. The hexagon tokens serve as reminder of these locked cards.
REPLACE any UNLOCKED card in the game area.
TRASH any UNLOCKED card in the game area.
STACK a card on top of any UNLOCKED card in the game area.
Action Card FAQ's
When do I pick up an action card?
Players pick up an action card if they play a card that has a white triangle in the centre.
Can I play an action card as soon as I pick it up?
No, you may play an action card from your next turn onwards.
Do I have to play an action card on my next turn?
No, you don't have to play an action card on your next turn. You can keep your action cards until you really need them. You can also keep multiple action cards.
How many action cards can I play per turn?
Only one action card can be played per turn.